How To Order

Email us at with the following details

Email Address:
Mailing Address:
Contact No:
Preferred Mode Of Delivery: Pickup/Normal Mail/Registered Mail

We will email you our payment details for comfirmation and process the orders as soon as the payment is recieved.

**Please note that products sold are neither exchangeable nor refundable**

[How long will my order be processed]
- Once payment is recieved, we will proceed with the orders with our supplier immediately.
- Our supplier will send the items by airmail and expected arrival in Singapore will be around 2-3 weeks
- It would takes another few more days to reach you depending on which types of delivery you had chosen.

[What are the types of delivery available]
- There are 3 types of delivery available for buyers. Pick-Up, Normal Mail & Registered Mail.
**We will not be held responsible for any lost mails for normal & registered mailing**

For Pick-up (Best for Medium/Large Items)
- Collection locations will be along all North-East Line MRT Stations for easy pickup from all around Singapore.
- If items are small to fit in normal envelop & buyer opts for pick-up, buyers are to pay additional $5 for transportation.
- Buyers are required to deposit 50% to secure the orders and pay the remaining 50% during pick-up.

For Normal Mail (Best for Small Items)
- Normal mail will be only available for small items that fits in a normal envelope.
- Local postage will be waived off.
- Buyers are required to deposit 100% to secure the orders.

For Registered Mail (Best for Medium/Large Items)
- Your Orders will be delivered directly to your doorsteps by Singpost postman.
- Tracking number is available.
- In case of unsuccessful delivery, the postman will leave a collection slip behind in the address mailbox for collection at the nearest post office
- Buyers are required to deposit 100% and registered mail postage to secure the orders.

For more informations, please email us at